Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A (Night) Meetup Session with Nicko Widjaja and Rhein Mahatma of Systec Group

Next Tuesday, Nicko Widjaja and Rhein Mahatma of Systec Group will come to Singapore for few days. They would like to meet and have small discussions with students and professionals who have interest in entrepreneurship scenes in Indonesia. It is open to all nationalities.

Nicko Widjaja is currently CEO of Systec Group and Adjunct Professor in Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) - Business School. He has 11 years of experiences in marketing and entrepreneurship. His career includes founder of IncyteLab, an ethnographic and consumer insights firm that focuses in investigating the upcoming trends and consumer culture and also co-founder of Thinking*Room, a design agency.

Rhein Mahatma is currently Associate of Systec Group and co-founder of StartupBisnis. He has experiences in content and social media strategist.

Event Details

When: Tuesday, 23th October 2012
Time: 8pm 730pm
Venue: will be informed to those who RSVP!
Fee: Pay what you order!

There is limited space for this event, so if you are interested, please kindly drop an e-mail at with e-mail subject "Systec Meetup" by Sunday, 21st October 2012. Please indicate your full name and contact number, because the confirmed venue will be informed to all attendees via SMS and/or e-mail.

Nuansa'12: Canting, Was Enjoyable But ...

I attended Nuansa'12: Canting with no expectation, due to their last year show. I have been watching Nuansa Musical Show Production since 2010 and this 2012 show satisfied my eyes and ears, although there are some scenes that required my minds to patch it all together, which makes me wonder whether there are synchronization for story flow between my two friends who wrote the script. For example, I was confused from scene when the lead actress pregnant and all of sudden at the next scene, she is no longer pregnant. They should have developed the story in between first in my opinion, or perhaps there is no need to show the "pregnant scene", instead just skipped it directly to the scene when the kid already grown up to avoid momentary confusion. That's just one out of few confusing moments in the point of audience's view.

Nuansa'12: Canting ticket and handbook

As I mentioned that my eyes and ears were satisfied with this production, and I can say satisfy is underrated word to describe how I feel towards this musical. Firstly, they really have great choreography, which I found it as really a splendid item and indeed it showed great talent of dancers and choreographers from Indonesians in NUS. But, great choreographers item in this production is also a weakness of this production. Believe it or not, dancers who are supposedly serve as supporting casts for some scenes become a center of stage, which I found it is not right at all. For example during the lead actress did monologue, meanwhile there is a couple dancers did their contemporary dance item at another side of stage. In my opinion, supposedly dance item serve as support item to represent the lead actress monologue. Instead of feeling that way, my brain told me to focus mainly on the dance item.

Beside the choreography, the light and stage manager did a splendid job when they played around with the light and other visual effects. There are only few concerns for room of improvements after I discussed it with few friends. Some people who I talked to, found the visual effects background during "Dukun" scene and "Flood" scene i.e. fire and thunder visual effects respectively were not necessary. Visually, it ruins the scene awesomeness.

Moving on to musicality aspect. I found music arrangements of this production were really great. When I read the description of their Music Director, the experiences, awards, and formal education in Music justified the quality of Nuansa'12: Canting music arrangements. But, the production team should really check all the equipment, because there was microphone faulty (I think) during the show for first few scenes and it happened again somewhere towards the end of the show.

Overall, Nuansa'12 team really did a great job, with a score 4 out of 5 in my opinion, although I still prefer their 2010 show. Their strength points are their dance items and music arrangements, but the story flow and actress/actors skills should not be forgotten as the main focus in any kind of musical drama shows, not the other way around.

After the show, took picture with one of producers and lead actress!