Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Lion King: Personification or Anthropomorphism?

It is the most anticipated musical show for 2011 in Singapore, The Lion King Musical Show!

It's being seen by over 51 million people around the world and being premiered for the first time at the Sands Theater at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore for South East Asia Region. Disney’s beloved film has been transformed into a spectacular theatrical experience which has won over 70 major international theatre awards by acclaimed director: Julie Taymor.

As for me, I had witnessed by my own naked eyes the truly amazing of the show. I am totally impressed by the cast performances (esp the dance moves), the props, musics composition, and many more.

We booked our tickets about a month before the shows date and yet we still can not get the front seats of the section that we bought (there are 6 different sections). A week after we booked our tickets, we just knew that the shows period being extended up to July 2011 (refer to sistic website). If we knew that earlier, we would rather wait for few weeks to get better seats.

Although the theater is not as big your expectation, for sure DO NOT EVER BUY CIRCULAR SEATS! You will know the reason why during the show. :)

Here are the comparison video between Lion King cartoon (full version) and Lion King Musical Show (trailer). Don't you feel it under your skin? :)

So now, back again to the title of this post. Which one do you think: Personification or Anthropomorphism? :P

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, thew production is personified, you wouldn't get real lions onto the stage so they personify them through physical theater to express them as animals - how effective is it? That is another question entirely..... but the success of the show might say it is =)
