Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Freaking Early 21st Birthday Gift!

I have no idea what came up in my friend, Dinda, at that time. She simply gave me freaking early birthday gift! I was not expecting anything really that early! 4 months earlier than my actual birth date? O.o

Well, the bag is really useful for me, because I am really using it whenever I go during my summer internship (my summer internship doesnt require me to be in formal dress). And you know what? My boss even told me that the bag looks nice, but too bad I do not have this brand card name where I can give to her if I had thus she might know where to buy it. :(

Well, I do not mind be marketing guy tho, by simply provide me with the product and I wear it? haha.. :P

Talk about the brand, this brand is actually made in Indonesia. It is handmade, so the quality is better than the mass production by machine and with their competitive price with other brand at the similar class. It is about 70sgd if you buy it in Indonesia, the shipping cost will be waived if you are around Jakarta and Bandung!

Seems like I am promoting this brand? Haha.. Not really, because just want to share with my friends who asked me previously about my bag. Seems like there are few others who were interested as well when saw me used this bag, thats why I simply writting this blog post. Oh for you who want to know more about this brand, simply come to their facebook page: mouton leatherworks.

Oh, not forgetting to say thank you to Ayu Dyani because she was the one who deliver it to me all the way from Indonesia to SG! :)

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