Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Foodblog Exposures On My Internship

Because of above description on SGE website, few days back someone sent me an email to ask about recommended Indonesian food around Singapore. He asked me on behalf of his Indonesian friend who just moved to Singapore.

Well, my first reaction: what? how did the person know my email? After I read his intro then I recalled again, I remembered him vividly. He is one of people that I met during Echelon Day 0 networking dinner. He is not in my name card list that I put previously, because he never gave me his name card. :(

But I am a nice guy (obviously), then I replied to him, which apparently later on he intro me to his friend. Well, on the replied email I put quite some of recommendation places and of course I did free advertising about my foodblog in that email as well! Where there is opportunity, you shall grab it fast. LOL

Below is the print screen of our earlier email

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