Saturday, July 2, 2011

Online Society Around Me This Week

This week I received three website invitations-only invitations from my friends. As you expected, google+ is one of it. But seriously, google+ sucks, coz I received 2 invitations from friends, yet I cant get in to it? =.=

What about other 2 websites? Let me tell you about my experiences from those 3 invitations. :)

1. Quora
It was ealier of this week when one of my friend, David Lam, asked me whether I am inside quora or not. Well, I told him that I do not, then ask him what it is about. Then he told me it looks like yahoo-answers format website, but you can get in by invitation only and the people inside are like minded people and also they have their own expertise. Well, isnt it sounds good? Coz you can get answers of your questions from people that is more qualified and you can get to know their profile as well by clicking their name. :)

Apparently after a day, David can get in to Quora. Salute to his efforts in finding right people within his network. So after knew about it I simply asked him to invite me. And here I am inside quora.

2. Senatus
Senatus is one of online media magazine. Well, initally I have no idea that it is by invitation-only, when I browsed their facebook page. But well, when Ms Gwen told me that she will send invitation to both of us, me and Terence, thats the time when I just found out about their invitation only rule. Well I think it aligns with their preposition of branding and their limit for invitations each person is also a great idea I think, because indirectly it showss how influences a person that you invite to society.

So this one is actually one of the channel to become social butterfly? I have no idea about that. :D

3. Google+
Well, as I said earlier, Google+ sucks for me, or maybe they are not really that user-friendly to non-tech-savvy person like myself? I have no idea about that. Since I havent experienced it by myself from my own account so I cant really give any comments about it. (I only browsed from my friend accounts for few minutes).

Well as I told earlier as well that I get invited by 2 friends for this booming trend for a moment, here are the emails invitation from Dea and Terence:

Thanks everyone for your invitations. :)

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