Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Is About 7 and 2 Numbers!

Yeah finally I watched the last part of Harry Potter series. It was really satisfying by the end of movie when you know that your since-ever-childhood story finally be completed as movie, although with not totally the same cast from beginning till the end (if you remember the Albus Dumbledore previous cast died few years back).

Then what about the title that I put here for this post? Well, it simply because here is Singapore, Harry first time screening at 14/7 (14 July), which 14 factor number is 7 and 2! And if you do realize, it is from 7th book and it is the 2nd part, well another 7 and 2. And I bought the movie ticket at 14SGD, which also have factor numbers of 7 and 2! Well, maybe I brag too much about number of 7 and 2, but just wonder why my life today is all about 7 and 2. O.o

I will not talk about the story of the movie here, coz most likely everyone knows the plot well or even better than me I guess (I read it few years back and I am the type of person who will not read story book twice or even more). So I will talk about the effects!

Nothing much fantastic effects at this part I think, part 1 has more fantastic effects thats what I can say now. But if you really looking for the effects inside this movie, especially if you are watching 3D or maybe IMAX, you will really looking forward for the part at Gringotts scenes, the Room Requirement scenes, and the initial invasion of Death Eater to Hogwarts. Beside than that I think it is nothing special about it.

I really love how the producer of the movie tells to the audience about Severus Snape story, and even my friend who watched with me and never read the book before said, this movie is the best movie of Harry Potter over all. I guess also they really have nice plot without a confusing story and whatever, and they did not cut the crucial part of the story! So the decision of them divided it into 2 parts is a good choice. Now I wonder what if every Harry Potter series that have similar thickness with the 7th book, being divided into 2 parts! Haha...

Oh, not going to spoil anyone imagination, the last scene when they finally become parents is really funny. But Hermione, seriously? I cant believe it.. :)

Not forgetting also about the scene where Neville Longbottom cut off Nagini head and afterward scenes are EPIC!

For girls who are Daniel Radcliffe fans, well here you can look at his body, 1 to him, 0 to Ruppert Grint at that particular scene after they swim out from the lake. :P

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