Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It Is Not New Moon, It Is Second Moon!

Well, this event is nothing to do with Eclipse Saga, so if your only interest is Eclipse Saga, please do not hate me because I somehow invited you to this post.

There will be a dance play performance by Gianti Giadi and Sufri Juwahir with script writer is Agnes Christina. Personally I only knew the first name and the last name. Gianti Giadi or usually I call her Gigi is really a great dancer in my opinion. She was actively involved in mentoring dancers of Indonesia students across Singapore for most of cultural events that Indonesia student had (at least for the past 3 years I've been in Singapore). Meanwhile Agnes Christina is a good script writer in my opinion. It is not her first time that her script being played in Substation.

Well for you who are interested, yet dunno the story, here is the story that I took from substation website.

The second moon is inspired by the story of Lilith and Adam, and eventually, Eve. In the beginning, Adam and Lilith are one. As they become more aware of themselves and the surroundings, their personalities grow stronger. Lilith chooses to leave Adam in his own world, while she creates her own. They remain as moons in their own worlds. The second moon is a story about union, separation and ego. The story of Lilith and Adam illustrates the dualism of the universe, a situation where two strong elements exist and co-exist to retain a balance.

Further information, simply go to their website. Yup, I am so gonna watch this, but Saturday slot, the only free day that I have between Friday and Saturday. See you there if you are attending on Saturday! :)

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