Friday, June 3, 2011

Do Not Ask Me Again Where You Should Eat For Supper At Town!

One night during hectic school term on weekday.

My Friend (MF): Egi! Where should we go if we wanna go for supper now at town?
Me (M): Ha? You mean now? It is already 10pm, you know!
MF: Yeah.. So where shall we go?
M: Errmm.. Spize?
MF: Eh we do not want to eat there, any other rec place? Do not rec me McDonalds.
M: Oh.. It is kinda difficult because it is weekday, you can try any hawker centre available there, but not sure also which hawker centre that open till quite late during weekday. What about Starbucks?
MF: Oh, which Starbucks that open 24 hours?
M: You can try the one at City Hall.
MF: Okay! I think we will go there.

Yup! Thats the scenario occured to me before. Imagine you are doing your assignments, lab reports, or maybe even watching TV series (the most likely case for me), then one of your friend asks you where shall he and few numbers of his friends eating for supper? Lucky for my friend, I was in good mood that time and picked up the phone, usually I do not pick. :)

Well, at this chance I would like to try give few places that you can go to if you are at town for supper.

1. McDonald

Haha.. Yeah, it is your first choice of all. McDonald maybe just like another meal for those of you who are super hungry. Maybe you skip your dinner or even worse do not eat at all the whole day? McD is located around SG, but only few chain that open 24/7. One of them is at City Hall.

Beside McD, maybe you can try other junkfood/fa(s)tfood brands i.e. KFC, Wendy's, BK, etc. Maybe you think, well we can always order it online, but the user experiences of travelling, order directly, and eat it at the place itself are different. So you should try if you never try before! :P

2. Starbucks
As you can see from the intro convo above, I rec them Starbucks. It just my subsconcious to tell someone during weekday to go to Starbucks if they want to stay at town until so late. Yup, I used to one of guys who camped at Starbucks doing assignments like I bring my own table. :P

But if you go to Starbucks at late hours, the food that left usually cake, cookies, or maybe if you are on diet, there are always fruits salad! :)

For sure if you go there you will purchase their beverages! Their menu on the board is clear enough for me, but you can always ask the barista in case you do not familiar with their menu. Oiya, not forgetting that do not surprise with the logo, because they just changed logo around first quarter of this year.

Basically there are few numbers of Starbucks at town that open 24/7, such as City Hall and Liat Tower. Well for further details, you can view their website.

Similar like McD, Starbucks has their own competitor, maybe you can try TCC and Coffee Bean. TCC for sure they have 24/7 operating boutique, while for Coffee Bean I am not really sure, only went there occasionally.

3. Spize
As a local "makan" place, Spize is famous enough among people in SG. Currently, there are 2 branches. One of it is located at River Valley Road (Map). Yup, I consider River Valley as town because it is quite nearby to Somerset area (I was quite surprised to find out this when me and my friend driving around).

It has built a reputation for its quality, value-for-money authentic Singaporean, Thai, Indian, Western & Mediterranean food. I have tried several menus since my first visit back then about 1.5 years ago, such as nasi goreng ayam tiga rasa and roti john.

4. OldTown White Coffee
Why OldTown White Coffee? Here is the short story behind it:

It was quite late that night when I complained to my friend who fetched me at late night for dinner. Surprisingly my friend did not want to eat at late hour while for me I was totally hungry and can eat a cow meal at that moment.

At first I wanted to strict my diet as well that night, so we went looking for a milk yogurt and my friend suggested a milk yogurt at Cineleisure, Orchard. Here we go, we went to Orchard all the way just to find out that the shop already closed! It was about 11pm and it was weekday if I am not mistaken.

Since my stomach was in hunger and my friend somehow felt responsible for it, so we went around nearby there. And for the first time that night, my friend did his job nicely by saw Old Town White Coffee and I ate there! :)

Basically Old Town White Coffee is a modern street coffee shop where the authenticity is their priority. Started from Malaysia, now they have expanded their business to Singapore. Of course they want you to take break and stay there for long time, because their motto is "Where life is happy because We take our time".  

5. Hawker Centres/Coffee Shops
As you do realize that Singapore foods mainly are supported by Hawker Centres. Can you imagine Singapore withour Hawker Centres? Some parts of Singapore will look like a death region I think. :P

Basically if you want to have supper anytime anywhere at Singapore, you do not need to worry, except for those ulu areas (hello my NTU fellas!). My experiences ate supper at town do not stop only on those four places, of course I also eat at hawker centres! :)

While at town maybe you can try maxwell foodcourt, makan sutra beside Esplanade, and maybe few others shop along selegie road, newton or even around china town area (I am not really familiar tho, so you can explore).

Well, as 3 years resident in Singapore, my experiences for supper in town might not sufficient enough for your references. Share with me if you think I need to update the list! :)

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