Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Blog? What Will You Write?

Hello Everyone!

I have so many things in mind for a moment about what kind of blog it will look like. Basically, I will blog about spare time activities here with my own perspectives opinions, i.e. food and "makan" place, movies and cinemas, books, sports, and some other topics.

So, just wait and see what I can do to this blog.


  1. if you write about food and makan place wouldnt it be a repetition of your existing food reviewing (sort of) blog (i mean your tumblr)? kenapa ga nulis tentang dunia malam aja gi ? LOL *just kidding :D

  2. @Alvin Loh: Stalker detected! :P
    @Agita: will be in different format, so just watched it and follow me! :D
