Thursday, August 25, 2011

[Author Corner] See you Singapore in 10 days!

See you Singapore! Thats what I always want to say for the past few weeks!

It is almost 1 year for me for not going back to Indonesia, my home country. As you can see from the picture that I took below, the last time I had a flight out from Indonesia in Sept 14, 2010 and only yesterday that I had chance to get back to this lovely country, regardless what are happening/happened around it.

In the midst of my busy schedule (school and works), I am taking a risk by going back now. Well, it will be 10 days trip for me. As usual, I will go to Jakarta and then Bengkulu.

Heard quite few numbers of complaint about it recently, but so far I quite trust it in term of their service in budget market
During the flight from Singapore to Jakarta, I had really a bad cought all the way and I did not feel easy about it, because it disturbed the rest of the passengers in the airplane. But, I had no choice about it, beside kept coughing and let it be. LOL

Took picture from inside of the airplane with my lousy phone. View around Soekarno-Hatta airport from the air
When I reached Jakarta, nothing much of changes that I noticed for one year never went back. And of course Jakarta welcomed me with its heavy traffic jam, like it always be since I lived in Jakarta.

Okay Rebecca, I chose to sit in the back seat! haha.. :D
In Jakarta, I will meet with friends, high school teachers (hopefully), and do a bit of shopping before heading to Bengkulu on Aug 28.

Heavy traffic again, but Jakarta always has stuffs to comment along the street i.e. the billboard
So yeah below is my trip summary:
Jakarta: Aug 25-28
Bengkulu: Aug 28-Sep 4
Jakarta: Sep 4-5

And fyi, the ticket from SG-JKT is cheaper than JKT-BKS. So domestic flight is more expensive than international flight?! What do you think? I have nothing to say beside more competition please! =.=

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

[Author Corner] Death and Happiness

People come and go in someone life. One of the laws that being set by nature that I believe.

It is not only about friends that come and go, but also about your family members. A newborn baby and an old wrinkle people are totally different.

This morning, I got a call from my sister regarding a bad news. Grandfather from my father side just died last night, 15th Aug, about 8pm West Indonesia local time. It was indeed sad, where I can imagine myself as my father. The distance between 2 different provinces in Indonesia and no availability of direct flight between those 2 places make it even sadder for me if I was my father. At the end, my father must take land transportation and I hope he had reached at my grandfather place by this post being published.

Within 4 hours, at least there 3 people who said their condolences in my facebook and one friend sent a sms to me

It was weird for me to get such news, because in contrary, today is my little brother birth date (without year, so it will be 16th Aug). I just hope he is fine with my father is not around today and so sorry for him that I just sent him sms after my schedule ended and I can have free time for myself (like now).

Well, for me I just hope that I will not face such things like what my father has for now. I want to be on the side of my parents when they are dying, not that I hope it will happen anytime soon. Or at least I can be there before their burial. In that sense, I can not live so far away from Indonesia, so south east Asia is the only choice for me so far.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

[Event] Mismatch: Butter Factory, Toilet, and Dance Floor

Referring to my post few days ago, all of you will know that I went to butter factory and for the second time I was there and it was kind of gay night? It feels a bit weird with some scenes that I didnt expect to see.

As I did my observation for the night, there are 2 things that I want to point out here:
  1. Most of guys during this night can dance better than when I went another night (non-gay related night). So does it mean that gay guys dance better than straight? Or maybe I can say gay guys are more expressive about their feelings toward the music, thus they can move single bones and joints within their body more freely? Well, it is only a single night, so I cant really conclude everything yet.
  2. If you guys and end up in such night, you might surprise with the toilet queue. Why so? Because male toilet queue is even longer that female queue, where the normal case usually the other way around. Need a proof? Here is a pic I took when I waited my friends.
Left is male toilet, right is female toilet
As you can see, even there is a guy who tried to take a look at the female toilet!! HAHA.. But well, although it is long queue, the waiting time is not as long as when the queue occurs at female toilet, so actually it still fine. I cant imagine if male also want something like below whenever they wanna go to toilet. :P

[Movie] Captain America The First Avenger: Reveals About Masculinity

After I watched Captain America on Thurs night, my first reaction was "Does such liquid exist in real life?". For guys like me who are not tall and the body is naturally not fit according to the normal society judgement, is quite a relevant issue. Imagine if there is such liquid, although only change the body shape, but it will change a person life, no?

Well, back to the movie again. The movie was pretty amazed me. I am totally like the story plot. I wont be a spoiler here, but just a reminder for watching it from beginning of the movie, if not you will miss the whole point that I am talking about now.

Captain America as the Marvell Super Heroes, can be said as one of the weakest. His only ability (according to the movie) is he has 4 times faster of normal human metabolism, I assume here everything in his body become 4 times faster, including brain. But, the fact that he has brain long time before he become the super heroes defeats some of the Heroes that I know i.e. wolverine. By this kind of ability, let us do a calculation:

Assume that

  • Normal human running speed: 20 km/hour, so he will have running speed of 80 km/hour, means the speed of card in the movie was less than 80 km/hour?
  • Normal human can jump up to 4-5 metres long, so he can jump up to 16-20 metres long? Well, it might explain one scene in the movie.

But if thats the logic of faster metabolism, doesnt it mean he need 4 times of normal food consumption as well? But too bad the movie never showed us the scenes where he ate. Cant imagine if they show it, and he was having dinner date with a girl. LOL

Beside the Captain America itself, the villain is pretty ugly. When I saw it, My friend and I were laughing because it is uglier than voldemort (yup, we laughed about Voldemort also before). *sorry, but I neither watched cartoon nor read the comic before*

This movie also proves to audience how actually girl in general judge a guy. Indeed girl judges a guy superficially by looking at the physical body, job position, etc *name it as what you want that you think it is superficial*. But your true love is the one who judge you from your characters that you have, no? Well, at least thats what another message that I think the movie want to deliver to the audiences. *Captain America has the biggest heart among his cohort of army people*

You also might heard from your friend to stay at the cinema after the credits of the movie. Well, it is quite true there are extra scenes *cant reveal it here*, but if you are in hurry to somewhere else (maybe need to go back home earlier), f**k it, dun wait. You can watch the extra scenes at the youtube I think, although not anytime soon. Because the credits way much too long for you to wait, I was waiting for 5 minutes, and I was holding back my urine in my bladder due to this. :(

To end this, let me show you the synopsis of the movie (took from here) and the trailer video of it from youtube.

It is 1942, America has entered World War II, and sickly but determined Steve Rogers is frustrated at being rejected yet again for military service. Everything changes when Dr. Erksine recruits him for the secret Project Rebirth. Proving his extraordinary courage, wits and conscience, Rogers undergoes the experiment and his weak body is suddenly enhanced into the maximum human potential. When Dr. Erksine is then immediately assassinated by an agent of Nazi Germany's head of its secret HYDRA research department, Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull, Rogers is left as a unique man who is initially misused as a propaganda mascot. However, when his comrades need him, Rogers goes on a successful adventure that truly makes him Captain America and his war against Schmidt begins.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Me, Twitter and Butter Factory

If you follow me on twitter and saw my timeline last night, here is what I am going to say: social networking is really an anal sometimes. Why would I use such strong nasty word? Because I was (or I am, since I still can feel it now) so annoyed due to what happened last night. I tweeted this to one person (she works at butter factory!) because bloody DM didnt work. *tried zillion times of copy-paste for DM*
then right after this tweet, my friends who followed me replied the tweet as shown at following timeline:
Okay, I know all of those conversations above are in Indonesian, so if you do not understand it, I will not try to translate it, ask your other Indo friends to translate it for you if you really want to understand everything. 

Maybe some of you might questioning why would I go to butter factory in the first place? I need to admit that I need a break from my routine, thus I went to club for dancing. Yeah, literally dance. You can ask some of my close friends (let me know if you want to know who) that I can dance like nobody business if I feel the music is good. *Oya, can ask people who attended the PINTU Prom Night 2011 and saw me dancing*

Since I have roomie now, so I cant blast the music in the room  and dance as free as I can. Thats why I need some spaces to dance last night. Since the school about to start as well, which mean the hectic days will come, last night was also one of opportunity for me to express myself.

Last night was my second time went to butter factory. My first time went there, I enjoyed it, till I had piles of sweating all over me, and one of my friend of friend told me that I danced way much crazier than she did? I was laughing when she said that. Thats the reason I agreed with my friends when they asked me to go to butter factory last night, due to customer loyalty that being created from good experiences before.

But then, why would I tweeted such thing to the person in the first place? It because she is part of marketing person for the club, so she would know better. And actually I think the guy who checked our ID, actually can allow us to get to another room (for above 21), but since I bloody honest so we ended up at Fash. *I think it is due to my birthday only about 1 month to go* 

We paid, we put our bags, then we went in the Fash room, and you know what welcome us? This poster:

Thats the reason why I tweeted the person! In fact, all of us couldnt stand the crowd and leave quite early, with the fact we always took a break after 40 minutes being inside for 3 times are good enough for us to leave early and we rather had our supper instead.

I think next time, they shall put the poster outside the club, so unintended people who have no idea whats happening can know before hand.

And I just checked the website when I am doing this post, and the information there also was not so obvious, but there is such info, yet people might miss it when the majority part of the poster is not about the info! I did screenshot for that.

What will you take if such things happened to you?

For me it will be: check the website of club you wanna go (the date, the event, the cover charge, the admission age etc), do not anyhow tweeted (althought your DM doesnt work!), and bring your cool friends to accompany you whenever and wherever you are! =.=