Sunday, August 7, 2011

[Event] Mismatch: Butter Factory, Toilet, and Dance Floor

Referring to my post few days ago, all of you will know that I went to butter factory and for the second time I was there and it was kind of gay night? It feels a bit weird with some scenes that I didnt expect to see.

As I did my observation for the night, there are 2 things that I want to point out here:
  1. Most of guys during this night can dance better than when I went another night (non-gay related night). So does it mean that gay guys dance better than straight? Or maybe I can say gay guys are more expressive about their feelings toward the music, thus they can move single bones and joints within their body more freely? Well, it is only a single night, so I cant really conclude everything yet.
  2. If you guys and end up in such night, you might surprise with the toilet queue. Why so? Because male toilet queue is even longer that female queue, where the normal case usually the other way around. Need a proof? Here is a pic I took when I waited my friends.
Left is male toilet, right is female toilet
As you can see, even there is a guy who tried to take a look at the female toilet!! HAHA.. But well, although it is long queue, the waiting time is not as long as when the queue occurs at female toilet, so actually it still fine. I cant imagine if male also want something like below whenever they wanna go to toilet. :P

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