Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[Author Corner] Is Singapore Cab Fare Too Expensive or Is Jakarta Cab Driver Underpaid?

I wanted to write about this post for quite some times back then, but only now I am really motivated to do it because cab fare hikes news lately in Singapore. In this post, I will have a simple comparison overview about the cab fare in Singapore and Indonesia, particularly Jakarta.

I do comparison between Singapore and Jakarta because both are the city I familiar with for past decades, when my critical thinking was/is developed. I think some might think it is like comparing apple and orange because there are plenty of differences in both city demographically and geographically.

First let's see Jakarta Cab Fare. There are few prices of cab fare in Jakarta, but I will take the normal one at this case.

Flagdown Fare: 6k IDR or about 0.85 SGD for the first 1km
Meter Fare: 300 IDR or about 0.045 SGD for every 100 m or for every 30 seconds waiting time
No booking fee
No peak periods surcharge

And now let's see Singapore Cab Fare (before being revised). I will take average here for flagdown fare.

Flagdown fare: 3.00 SGD for the first 1 km
Meter Fare: 0.2 SGD for every 385 m (from 1 to 10 km) and 0.2 SGD for every 330 m or 0.2 for every 45 seconds.
Booking Fee: 3.5 SGD
Peak Period Surcharge: 35% and 50%

From both data, we can tell that meter fare in Jakarta is 5% of Flagdown fare (every 100 m), while in Singapore the meter fare is only 2% of Flagdown fare (every 100 m). For waiting time, the fare is about 0.16% (every second) of Flagdown fare in Jakarta, while in Singapore the waiting time fare is 0.045% (every second) of flagdown fare. Well, it is true from these numbers we can say actually Singapore has lower meter and waiting time to flagdown fare ratio than Jakarta, but the fact that both countries have different standard living cost should take into account as well.

In Jakarta, a price of FastFood chain set meal is about 20K IDR or about 3.5 SGD, meanwhile in Singapore it will cost you up to 7.00 SGD in average. So in fact, the standard living cost from meal perspective, Singapore has higher price as much of 2 times than Jakarta. Comparing this cost with cab fare in both cities, we might think that Singapore has higher cost in cab fare, don't we?

The ratio of Flagdown cab fare to FastFood meal cost in Singapore is about 42%, while in Jakarta it is only about 30%. Meanwhile the ratio for meter fare is about 0.87% (every 100 m) in Singapore, but 1.5% (every 100 m) in Jakarta. The ratio for waiting time fare is about 0.06% in Singapore, but about 0.05% in Jakarta for every second.

By taking assumption ratio of cost of living is more valid than the former and from all of the numbers above, one absolute point that can be pointed out is the flagdown cab fare in Singapore is relatively higher than Jakarta referring to their standard living in both cities. But the meter fare in Singapore is relatively lower than Jakarta, while waiting time fare in Jakarta is relatively lower than Singapore. The latter can be justified with the fact that Jakarta traffic is a messed and traffic jam is everywhere, so the waiting time fare supposedly (relatively) cheaper than Singapore which does not really have terrible traffic jam like Jakarta has. But the waiting fare to flagdown fare ratio in Jakarta is higher than Singapore as about 4 times, which it is quite big difference.

Analysing this (stupid) numbers, makes me realize that actually cab fare in Jakarta is underpaid only for the flagdown fare, which make people in Jakarta simply hail and book the cab even for short distance of travelling, due to relatively cheaper flagdown fare. Booking a cab is even cheaper because there is no booking fee. It is true that public transportation in Jakarta is suck (for some people), but by increasing the flagdown fare by at least 2 times of current fare will discourage some people to take cab and using public transport instead. But well, it might have drawback to cab industry, they might get higher revenue, or/and they need to cut down number of cabs that being operated on the street, which at the latter case it means less vehicles on the road in Jakarta, less traffic. As the matter of fact, Singapore has about 26,700 cabs on the street, means it only can cater about 2% of its population.

So back again to the title, which is a question, which one you think is more appropriate statement?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

[Food] Where Should NTU Students Eat in Jurong Point?

After wrote a post about what I ate during my internship and the fact this post is considered popular among the post I wrote so far (top 10), with support of another fact that my friends sometimes inquiry to me about where should they eat in Jurong Point (JP), I decided to write this post. Basically, below are the eatery places that I consider nice place and food for you to try and my judgement is a bit subjective, so feel free to comment if you think it is not as nice as I state here. The order is in ranking mode, with number 1 as the highest rank, while number 5 as the lowest rank. And you will notice, I option out foodcourt, but I do eat there of course. :)

1. Ayam Penyet Ria
If you go to Ayam Penyet Ria at basement level nearby old FairPrice (old Jurong Point), you should try their Ayam Penyet, Empal Penyet, Soto Ayam, and Rawon. The fact that I am Indonesian might cloud my judgement about this ranking system, because I am still proud to be Indonesian and want to promote Indonesian culture, food and others at my best efforts. But if you like spicy food, you can really enjoyably take the chilli as much as you can, and the chilli is really the spicy. The beverages that I would recommend will be Indonesia Avocado Juice, because the way Indonesia serve it, we put in condensed chocolate milk on top of it or around the inside glass. Deliciously sweet! :)

2. Ambush
Located outside challenger, level 2 of old Jurong Point, Ambush will offers you quite wide variety of sumptuous western style dishes. If you happen go here, you should try their Meatball and Chip. The meatball is really nice, which I think it is their made-in-house meatballs, not really frozen meatball from supermarket. But if it is the latter case, then I should ask them where they buy it, because it is nice!

3. Old Town White Coffee
The location of Old Town White Coffee is a bit hidden, at Level 2 of New Jurong Point but located all the way behind nearby FairPrice (cant really describe the location well, but you can always ask me if you need help to find it). This resto is come from Malaysia, so you will expect of local and Malaysia food fusion together, which in fact I think both are quite similar. If I go here, usually I will order their nasi lemak, because it is quite filling and the complement dishes (small portion) are quite nice. One of the nasi lemak variation will be Nasi Lemak Special. For the beverages, can try their Spirulina Orange. But well, you can taste the orange since the taste is really strong, but not really for Spirulina. But the temptation to try something new (from the drink name) couldnt be resisted for me. Beside it, you can try their (something) hot chocolate, the taste I can say beat Starbucks hot chocolate, for real!

4. Bakerzin
Bakerzin and Old Town White Coffee are actually in the same position in my ranking preference, but since Bakerzin price is slightly higher, so I mark it down (budget-conscious customer). I know Bakerzin should be a place you enjoy your cakes and desserts, but I had meals here before and it was quite good during my visit. Their pizza is quite nice, since I prefer to have thin crust pizza and their pasta quite filling and tasty as well. I tried their Mushroom Carbonara Sauce Pasta where the sauce was just nice.

5. Thai Express
This resto can beat Bakerzin if only they can upgrade their service. Instead of Thai Express, they should call themselves Thai Snail I can say. Regardless of their slow service, which I will recommend if you are not urgently hungry and want to have longer chat over your meals, the food are nice and suit my taste, esp their dessert when I ordered their set menu.

So, do you think any other resto that better than those 5 I mentioned above in Jurong Point, if yes, let me know, and I will make some changes if I agree with your opinions. For a moment, enjoy to try all of the above! :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

[Author Corner] Slaugthering: Why Some Indonesian Care, Some Don't

Disclaimer: If you are vegan or some activist who objects about slaughtering, please refrain from reading or even comments on this post. Your concerns are appreciated but not in this post, because I wont talk anything about how violent or so-wateva about slaugthering. Thank you.

Read an article about the way of people do slaughtering of the animals and which one is good,  and some arguments I had lately triggers me to write-up this post.

Basically if what's the article said is true (I havent dig up the research paper, so if anyone who found the paper, please let me know), then I have no objections about Islamic-way of slaughtering is the best way so far that human race can have. But been lived in Singapore and Indonesia so far (luckily only 2 countries), makes me ponder why some people really care about slaughtering and why some don't.

As you know majority of people in Indonesia are Moslem, while Moslems in Singapore are in minority portion, but the standard in Singapore is so much higher compare to Indonesia, particularly about what we are going to talk about at this post: Slaughtering.

According to google (type: "define: slaughtering" in your google search bar):
slaughteringpresent participle of slaugh·ter (Verb)
Kill (animals) for food.
Kill (people or animals) in a cruel or violent way, typically in large numbers.

The fact that there is halal certified in Singapore are the key part why Moslems in Singapore have such so-called double standard. During arguments about it, one of my friends insisted something about the non-halal way of slaughtering whenever I have meal in non-halal resto (no pork, no lard). But when I confronted saying: "then you can not eat at all if you pay a visit to Indonesia, coz you need to have your own animals for you to slaughter by yourself, then you know it is halal". Then the argument about it stopped.

Another friend of mine said to me: "well, since Indonesia has big percentage of Moslems, about 90%, so it is matter of trust among Indonesian". Well I do believe that Indonesian themselves have their own concerns about it, but then they do not really take a big issue and then when I brought such values to Singapore, some people will start to judge and so. Well, it is up to them to judge for what I consume (not only food, everything!).

So back again to Indonesia, with population of more than 260mil (no idea why this number came up), the population itself is more than 40 times of Singapore population. It is only population, if you talk about areas, then it will be even worse. Then it comes with the way people buy their raw meats in Indonesia and Singapore. In Singapore, majority of people will simply buy their raw meats from modern market, while in Indonesia, most of them will buy from traditional market. So from here you can see, why in Singapore they can easily-controlled whether the raw food is halal or not, while in Indonesia it is nearly to impossible. Can you imagine if every morning my mom should ask to the sellers whether the raw foods were slaughtered in Islamic way? It is only in the perspective of my mom, what about in the perspective of the sellers? How many people will ask them? 100 a day? or maybe even more!

Although in Indonesia the government can come up with halal certificate, so it will be more reliable, soon enough there will be a lot of fake-halal-certificate around. To be honest, Indonesia people are so creative in doing such things, because our government can not really keep-up to what their citizens can do illegally, unlike here in Singapore that has less people and less area. Then it will create another problem.

Another scenario is to refrain people from buying raw meats in traditional market then direct them to modern market thus government can control the halal raw meats, there will be a lot of objections around the country i.e. more people lost their day-jobs. It will create another problem.

Morale of the story
Let yourself knows about other people life background, before you start any kind of arguments

Saturday, November 26, 2011

[Event] Dia Di Atas Sana: Different Believes between A Lady and Innocent Boy

Out of boredom, I checked Substation website and found out there will be a play showing from Thursday till Sunday. Furthermore when I read the details, it is directed by a person that I knew, Agnes Christina. In fact, I love to watch this kind of play once in awhile, because it is not main stream kind of things you have in your to-do-list for leisure, the topic usually kinda sensitive issue, and support minority group of people as well. Well, I watched it on Thursday night, the plot was amazingly scattered in a good way, where you need some of brains to connect between one scene with another one, not blindly watch.

Nice simple design, but no idea why there are 3 blank rectangles, trinity concept maybe?
The play has a title "Dia Di Atas Sana" By Panggung Arts and The Substation. The play was something that you shall put in your must-watch list if you are someone who want to know more about some angles about God and religions issues, but just a warning: you need to understand basic Malay language. The subtitle was provided only for the video (this play is a mix of video and acts on the stage). For me because my mother tongue is Indonesia language, I have less problem to understand Malay, but still I did not really catch everything. And here is the thing I found during that night: although there was subtitle, my brain has tendency for not reading it, because somehow my brain told me that sure I will understand it without reading and I want to see the video without any distraction of the subtitle, so ignoring the subtitle is the only way. There were only 2 casts for the whole play. I cant imagine that actually a play can be made only by 2 characters (I do not count the one in video). And the cast was a great choice, because she acted just nice for her "stage age" while the boy act really as an innocent 9-years old-boy, while he is in fact is 24 years old (I asked him after the play, coz I thought he might be younger than me, such a baby face if compare it to my face =.=). There are some stereotyping issues such as God supposedly have a man figure, not woman, how different group will think differently about a person actions towards religion, and etc. Overall I like the scenes when they talked on the same table where in the stage the table was being literally cut into half and was positioned oppositely each others, yet their acts was consistent with the direction that they should see accordingly. Another scene will be when the boy talks to his imaginary friend (I assumed it is, no chance to ask the director after the play) in playful-innocent manner yet meaningful. And the silent in between conversation builds the play to a deeper meaning and more real-life scenes.

Below is a short write-up I took from the website about the script of the play:
“Where is God?”

Man has been asking, and has been asked this particular question ever since he was introduced or some would strongly believe, re-introduced, to the concept of the higher being. The higher being, God, Elohim, Jesus, Gaia, Vishnu, or Allah has led Man to spend his existence approving or disapproving. In the name of a particular God, beliefs have been forced and reinforced, to be embed in the hearts of Man and then reiterated in blood. But, those dramatic episodes in Man’s history, most probably start with that one simple question. ‘Where is God?’. That same question gradually spawns an entire variation of itself; ‘Where is my God?’, ‘Where is your God?’, ‘Where are you God?’, or ‘Where the hell are you God, in times when I needed you the most?’.

“Where is God?”

Brought up in a pious family, Abdul has always been surrounded by the will of God. ‘insya Allah’ (if God wills it) his father says, when asked if he’d take the family on a holiday. ‘Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘alallah’, (in the name of God, to whom we surrender) his mother would remind him every time he kissed her hand before leaving the house to go to school. Those words of wisdom, gives him that warm fuzzy feeling inside. That same feeling has given him strength to face the obstacles in his life, thus far. Until his parents decided to commit suicide, each after the other. They’d have taken Abdul along too, if it wasn’t for the botched execution of a meticulously crafted plan. Abdul is left behind. He survives. But ultimately, he has stopped asking that question, or its variations. He now seeks that one answer. From The One Up There.

If you have the time and want to watch something different, you should consider this play as one of your activities this weekend. Can contact the director via her twitter as well. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

[Wardrobe] Which Hairstyle Gel that Me , Not Tintin, Like Most?

Playing with my hair whenever I have mood made me give-a-try to some products that available out there. Well, I know that I am not a best person who can talk about it, supposedly Tintin (because the way of his hair looks like and how it can be held over the time without fail), but from a consumer perspective I simply want to share it with people who want to read it. So here we go, I ranked it with smallest number as my most favorite, and the biggest number as my least favorite. Beside of how it holds my hair, the smell takes part into consideration of this ranking as well.

1. Redken Fiber Gum Disrupt
This is the last hairstyle gel tube that I bought and it works really well on me because it can last for really long time and the texture of your hair can you change whenever you like as this hairstyle gel does not "freeze" your hair. It only holds the hair with "firm-look" but actually it still smooth. When I checked their official website, sadly this product is in their discontinue item list and in fact there are a lot of people likes it and complained when this is discontinue in production. And the smell is not bad. Bought it from Chapter 2.

2. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shaping Cream
It has a lovely smell among all of the products that I've tried. It also hold the hair firmly, yet your hair still smooth. The only disadvantages using this, you should use it evenly over your hair, because the colour of shaping cream is white. So if the shaping cream is only concentrated in one part of your hairs area, then you can imagine there will be white stuffs on you hair and it does look weird. Bought it from Chapter 2.

3. BodyShop Wheatgrass Fixing Gel
According to their sales-assistant, it is the only hair-style product that they have in line. They also told me that it cant really hold the long hair, but if it is only really short hair, then it can. So I give it a try and bought it. Well, what the sales-assistant said is true, so now I only use it when I have my short hair. Whenever I smell it, I felt so organic, back to nature. The smells not bad, thats what I can say. Well obviously I bought it from BodyShop Store.

4. L'Oreal Studio Wet Look Styling Gel
It is my first hair-style gel after for the past 2 years when I started again using hair-style gel. It has not bad smell, but the way it holds my hair is not good at all. It makes my hair so stiff although it looks wet. End up I gave it away to my little brother, because at the moment I have too much hair-style in my wardrobe. Well, I bought it from FairPrice.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

[Author Corner] Topman FOC Phone Charging to Peter Pan-Themed Balloon Sculpture

One of blue Sunday and I was sick of my study i.e. lecture notes and webcast, so I decided to have a window-shopping. Shopping reminded me of CapitaVoucher that I received from my MiE friends who gave it as my birthday gift. Intended to use it, but at the end of the day I did not use, because I bought my stuff in Haji Lane which is absolutely not owned by CapitaLand! :)

But there are some interesting info that I found today.

1. Topman outlets have free-of-charge (FOC) Phone Charger!
So yup, if you are happened to run out of battery in town and you have nowhere to charge your phone, now you know the trick. Simply browsing around in Topman while you charge your phone. They locked it for you I think because I saw the locked on their compartments. I am not so sure what type of phone that are chargeable in their stations, but supposedly they have iPhone and universal charger (phones with USB). Well, the ION Orchard outlets sure have it (the one that I went to), not sure about other outlets. And in my opinions their trick to engage their customers to stay a bit longer in the outlets might be an effective way to get more revenue while on their side they stretch a little bit more for electricity bill.

2. Shops in Illuma are closing down?
No ideas whats the reason behind almost 90% of shops in Illuma Shopping Mall are closing down, but I do agree that I do not really see much people do their shopping in Illuma, especially if you compare it to Bugis Junction and Bugis Street (human-flooded place). But knowing almost 90% of shops in Illuma closing down, I am kinda sad, coz I had no chance to check-out their moving-out sales! But the ugly truth is I am cutting down my expenses budget, so yup, the regret thought is not really that big. The moving-out shops that I witnessed today was PUMA, Recoil and few other stores which I can not really remember the names.

3. Peter Pan-Themed Balloon Sculpture
When I walked around Illuma, I saw the crowd at the basement level. Out of my curiosity as a human, I checked it out. Well, apparently there is a balloon sculpture! It is my first time saw a balloon sculpture by myself, and it is pretty nice and I am quite amazed with the artists who done it. The theme for the sculpture is Peter Pan! One of reasons why there were so many kids and young girls around it. Oh there was also an artist who did the simple balloon sculpture for the visitors, but there was long queue, like what Singapore always have if there is free-stuff, so I give it a miss.

Peter Pan Themed Balloon Sculpture

Sunday, November 6, 2011

[Food] Oil-Free Prawn Crackers

It is nothing really great about it, but I just simply wanted to write it down what I found last week.

Actually I heard about it quite long time ago, when one of my friend in Indonesia told me that she cooked raw prawn crackers in her microwave, but I never tried it only until last week.

My mom knows that I like cracker so much, thus she put this raw prawn crackers into my luggage when I went back for hari raya. Normally I will cook it with oil and pan, but because my block pantry changed the traditional gas stove to the heat inducer, so I cant use my normal pan anymore to cook it, and I am so lazy to go to another block to use it. Due to that reason I purposely searched in youtube and I found the above video.

No harm to try, so I tried it the night when I searched the video, and I found some interesting info. By using microwave and place all of the 6 prawn crackers at the side of plate, you can set the timing as 1:10 with "instant cook" choice from your microwave. For me it worked out and I have finished the whole can of first batch cook-prawn crackers.

Since my mom gave me 1kg of raw prawn crackers, so I still can cook it and get oil-free prawn crackers! This way make my life healthier, but I dunno if there will be side effects with eating too much of foods heated by microwave. Will be there any drawbacks to me? O.o

Thursday, November 3, 2011

[Author Corner] Philanthropist, Billionaire (or multimillionaire), Socialite, and Social Climber

I should not write this kind of stuffs at this hour while I am doing my report project due in 5 days time. The fact that writing this piece is easier than writing my report tempted me to have longer distraction by writing this insensible piece. All of you might wondering what I am up to with the title that somehow related and somehow might not.

Been talking to my friend who in an industry that involve those words while himself get involve with the prominent person in the particular industry. Let's call my friend as Mr A, while this prominent person as Mr F. So here is the story.

Mr F who claimed himself as philanthropist, yet socialite at the same time was organizing a big event and approached my friend to ask for sponsorship. Mr A, a small fish in the industry could not resist the marketing effect that he will gain from the event, cant really say no, yet Mr A does not want to give 100% sponsorship, instead he gave his Intellectual Property right to Mr F to utilize it. The reason of this action was taken because Mr A heard from his other friends/networks that Mr F is a kind of difficult person to work with, but since he has not experienced it directly, so Mr A put his trusts on Mr F, a person who Mr A admired for quite long time.

In another hand, Mr F is a multimillionaire who become a billionaire in only 1-2 year(s) time. To be honest, after you read to this full story you might question whether this Mr F is really a billionaire.

To cut long story short, Mr F cheated, tricked, and humiliated Mr A in so many ways that you think will only happen in the screen i.e. Gossip Girl TV Series. Mr A has a right to sue Mr F to the court i.e. from violation of IP-right, humiliation, etc, but his logic that Mr F is a prominent person and will use any number of ways to win the court, chickened out Mr A to do it, because generally society will think that Mr A simply wants to leech out Mr F money, while the fact is another way around. So now Mr A is simply praying to GOD so Mr F will get the karma from what he has done to him and OTHERS.

Yeah I said others. Like I said previously, Mr F us a kind of difficult person to work with. In organizing an event, he likes to ask for sponsorship from a small fish to cut-off his budget for an event or what kind of his business. You can see here how a businessman thinks economically, but if you claimed yourself a philanthropist, you will not do something that will cause unhealthy economy or even worse welfare of others right? Because the last time I check to Mr Google about the meaning of philanthropist, here is what Mr Google told me:

So actually if Mr F claimed himself as philanthropist, shouldnt him quote a price to Mr A because it will give a positive economy cycle to both parties? In one side, it gets along with what Mr F claimed he is, while in another hand Mr F nurture economy at the same time. I found it amusingly WOW when heard about other stories from others about Mr F:
1. Out of 3 events, another friend of mine working together with Mr F, only 1 was totally paid and the rest? No ideas why Mr F never paid, maybe he is too busy with his own schedule? As you know he is socialite as well.
2. Mr F claimed he bought a new car with a price of more than a million, while I heard a story from the PREVIOUS OWNER OF THE CAR, that Mr F bought the car under 500k sgd. Well, you might think it is not a big deal, but will you still think the same if Mr F made the fuss about the so-called new car and the price to media?

Okay from the story above, can I say that the statement of Mr F is a billionaire (or multimillionaire) philanthropist is wrong? In my own opinion, I can say so. So now what about whether he is a socialite or a social climber? Let's ask Mr Google again what those 2 words mean.

Well, according to both definitions, I think he fits both words, because indeed he is socialite, yet a social climber at the same time. He cant deny that he just get into the SG society few years back (yeah Mr F is not local), and lifestyle that he has now makes him cant pay for the expenses that he had for his own organized past events?

This kind of story always remind me of a talk by Derek Sivers when I attended Echelon 2011: a person only can hold to one in a time, call it wealth, fame, legacy, or in my case as a student: knowledge? But it is kinda true that you shall focus in one thing, so you put your best efforts on it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

[Movie] A Clockwork Orange: Perspective Changes Over 40 Years

Knowing the story where this movie was banned 40 years ago will make you realize how society has changed around us since then. Produced in 1971, this movie is finally screened in Singapore for the first time (I guess) last Friday as one of the movies in Perspective Film Festival, organized by WKWSCI, NTU.

If you are really a conservative religious person, particularly Christian, I do not suggest for any of you to watch this movie (there is one particular scene that might offend Christian people). For the first half of movie, Stanley Kubrick as Writer and Director of movie, will bring you unbelievable scenes where it was something controversial during 1970s (I believe). I believe those scenes are some of the reasons why the movie was banned 40 years ago, because they give some ideas to people for doing crimes that they never think of. But nowadays, such crimes have been replicated everywhere, so those kind of ideas are not really controversial anymore.

On top of that, the movie also told us about changing someone personality and preferences will have drawback to the person, where in this movie, after Alex went thru the treatment trial, he became a defenseless guy. It was shown in few scenes where he cant help himself when he was intimidated by other parties. In real life perhaps, it also applicable to a group of people who want to change those people who are not following current society norms i.e. personality disorder, sexuality, etc. So if you try to change it, please watch the drawback as well, because you never knew what you turned  men into when you tried to change them.

Below is the short storyline taken from IMDB.

Protagonist Alex is an "ultraviolent" youth in futuristic Britain. As with all luck, his eventually runs out and he's arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in prison, Alex learns of an experimental program in which convicts are programed to detest violence. If he goes through the program his sentence will be reduced and he will be back on the streets sooner than expected. But Alex's ordeals are far from over once he hits the mean streets of Britain that he had a hand in creating.

Trailer Video from Youtube

Monday, October 24, 2011

[Musical Show] Nuansa 2011 Ca-Bau-Kan: Were I on the Stage?

It was last Saturday, when some of Indonesia youngsters attacked ACJC Mrs Lee Choon Guan Theatre. Of course we attacked the Theatre for a good cause, to watch a Musical Drama Performance by Pelajar Indonesia NUS (PINUS). I set my expectation quite high this time, because the first time I watched their musical production last year, I was surprised with the kind of show they gave to me as the audiences. But too bad, this year production is not as great as last year, or at least for me, it is a bit subjective I guess.

I would say, this year production is in imbalance portion, where I have no idea who to blame for this issue and I have no right to blame them, dun I?

Well, if you watch it you can feel there is no really focus on the characters, where I cant really feel which are the leading characters during performance. They are too much important part being skipped, while some scenes being exploited too much where at some points you can feel the acts are not really well executed. I guess the actor/actress was exhausted with the scenes itself. I understand the fact that they do not really have so much big cast as usual, but what I can tell is some of supporting actresses/actors are even better in their role instead of the leading characters. After the show, one of my friend commented along this line: "Regardless how bad a script is, if the director can execute it well, it will turn out to be good". Well, I did not really give any comment when he stated about that statement, because myself only look at the end product, and I do not really know/understand about the process of the drama musical, but I know how tedious and tiring the process is (been 2 times involved back then). But luckily the leading actress has a good talent in term of voice to sing and her acts as well.

Since I touched on about the scripts earlier on, let's talk about the script and the plot as well. No idea about the script, but I do not really like the plot of the drama. Why so? Because like I said earlier, there are some important parts being skipped. To be honest, I was a bit lost with the time plot that they have. For example, one scene the leading actor and actress were not married yet, then the next scenes, both of them already got a daughter, where I have no idea how old is the daughter, then next scene is for another character, and all of it are scattered. I guess for the first half of drama musical they wanted to give overall overview about the overall characters, where at the end of the day it just screwed up the plot. That kind of style, I think is not good, because in the audience point of view, the audience feeling exhausted to capture everything and also there will be lack of characters development at the end.

The fact that the music arrangement is so beautiful but without good sound system support, it hurts my ear so much. I am really impressed with the music arrangement, where for most of part, the music arrangement was building the surrounding and filling the emptiness of drama thus the audiences can feel "the mood". But it was really upsetting me as the audiences, where suddenly I can hear the feedback from the sound system when the drama was playing. It makes it worse when the feedback is not only once, if I am not mistaken there were 3 times, or maybe even more? I did not really count it. Also, they should provide more microphone, because there are some characters who tried to do conversation, but due to they do not have microphone, so they need to project their voice loudly, can you imagine if you were an audience at the rear seats? Lucky me, I was sitting in the third row. I know it will incur more cost to the production, but if it can improve the quality of the production, why would you risk your own production? Moreover, when the characters sing, me and some of my friends can not really catch what they are singing about, no idea it is due to microphone or due to their pronunciation. If it is due to latter part, then they should have done more practices for it.

The lighting was good I think, they stage manager or lighting-personnel are really exploring the possibility that they have and utilize it really well. I was impressed from beginning of the drama, even when it just about to start with their prologue part.

On top of it, I love their stage as well, where the all of the musical instruments are located at the lower level of the stage, so visually it doesnt disturb audiences focus.

Well, you have read too much about my comments, here are some my friends who commented on the musical production as well.

Well, from those 2 screenshot pictures, actually I can give more comments about it. So let's pick one from each!

First, comment from Samiadji: 2 sissy boys? Well, no offense to the casts, but they were acting really like sissy guys. But one of them, do not really look natural. At first I thought the one looks unnatural was faking for the act for the sake of the performance, but later on I found that actually thats how he lives his life. Well said, maybe thats what Agita meant in her last phrase of comments? No idea! haha. :D

Second, Agita and Samiadji mentioned about Jap porn part, didnt they? It is really wrong when you watch some guys who tried to speak in Jap language, but what you can think of when you watched that are: "did they learn the tone from porn movies?" or at least from M18/R21 rating movies. Due to that scenes, I think next time all of musical drama production by Indonesia students should have rating i.e. M18/R21 accordingly.

Now, you might ask why the title of this post about whether I am on the stage or not, of course the answer is NO! But a lot of my friends associated me with one of the character, so I simply told them jokingly: Ya, I couched him to become like that. Like duh! =.=

Friday, October 21, 2011

[Food] Intern who Spent Money for Daily Necessity

My experiences during my internship last summer in SGEntrepreneurs is not only resulting in networking, real-job experiences, and self-improvement, but also resulting in knowledge of food available around SGE office. Located in South Bridge area, the office is surrounded by quite various places to eat at, i.e. circular road, central mall, raffles place, and Funan mall. All of those places are up to 10 mins walk from my office.

Circular Road

There are few places that I tried during my internship in this road.
1. Sinar Pagi Nasi Padang
It is so far the best Nasi Padang that I've ever tried in Singpore. Been talking about this quite a lot to my mom, because last time she came here, she had difficulty in adjusting with the food. She is totally an Indonesian, particularly Padangnese, because she majorly only can eat Padang food. So will be happy bringing her to this shop when she comes to visit me again. One of the food variation that I tried.
2. Hawker Centre
There is only one hawker centre in Circular Road. Among all of the stalls, I tried only one stall, The Malay Stall. Typical Malay Stall, it sells foods namely like Mee Rebus, Mee Goreng etc. But, I didnt tried such things, instead I tried more of their type Chicken Rice, starting from their Chilli Chicken Rice till their Black pepper Chicken Rice. On top of that, they also have Fried Rice, which can be considered worth-it to try, since most of the price in this area kinda pricey for an intern. :D
3. Yong Tau Foo Shop
I thought there will be no difference in the taste of Yong Tau Foo, because it is consist of foods that being put into the soup. But apparently I am wrong. Their Yong Tau Foo is the worst Yong Tau Foo that I've ever tried. Well, I only tried Yong Tau Foo in Banquet previously, VivoCity and Jurong Point.

Central Mall

There are a lof of resto that you can try in Central Mall indeed, but as intern and limited budget of everyday, here are the places that I went.
1. Burger King
Well, everyone knows how Burger King taste I think. And since it is franchise, they will adopt the same SOP globally, so the taste is supposedly the same. Beside in central mall, there is a Burger King opposite UOB Builiding as well, nearby Raffles Place MRT station.
2. Freshness Burger
As the name of the shop, all of their ingredients are fresh, which indirectly indicating that they are using organic ingredients somehow. Due to the quality of ingredients, you will see the price difference as well between this shop and "normal burger" in the other shop,
3. B1 Level of Central Mall
There are few numbers of eatery in this level. At the shop that selling this Crispy Chicken Cutlet Set Rice, you can find Laksa and some other soup noodles menu with their home-made drinks such as green tea, grass jelly, etc. While at the shop that sells Chicken Katsu Curry Set, you will find that they give you a lot of curry till you cant see the rice.

Raffles Place
I did not really try in Raffles Place, because so lazy to walk down there to simply get my lunch. But there are few numbers of resto in Raffles Place such as cedele (one of their nice menu) and TCC (there are other TCC in Funan and Central Mall as well). If I am not wrong to recall, I only bought from Mr Bean above the MRT Station before in Raffles Place area.

Funan Mall
Out of numbers of makan places that available in Funan Mall, I tried these 2 places.
1. TCC
It was during lunch hours and was really a busy hour for them, especially when I was eating there, there was an offer 1-for-2. I was eating with a friend, so we use that offers. From taking order to get the food ready took about 20 minutes. And if you ever eat with me, you will know I am the slower eater ever you met in your life. So hence with this, I would not go to this kind of place anymore if my office is really strict about lunch hours timing.
2. Qiji
Located at one of corner in Level 1 of Funan, it is one of my favorite makan place because they served it efficiently, so you can enjoy your food without long waiting time. I will consider eat here if I need a quick lunch as well. And you need to bring colleagues to get the seats while you are ordering the food, because it is really packed during lunch hours. I tried quite numbers of their rice set, here is one of them: Chicken Set Nasi Lemak.

Well, there are quite a lot of other places that I can try on around and there are some places that I ate before but I do not really feature here due to my personal reasons. So which one is your favorite place among those 4 I mentioned above?

Friday, October 14, 2011

[Movie] Abduction vs Friends With Benefits: Why Do They Need Hot Stars?

Abduction movie has Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins as the stars while Friend with Benefit movie has Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis as the stars.

To be honest, I did not really have time to catch any recent movies lately. Recent here means in the past 2 weeks. Pretty busy juggling of school and work at the same time. And as you can see, this blog has been never updated for quite some times, more than a month.

Back to title of this post, I always wonder, why do some movies need hot stars for their movie. First is Abduction, an action family movie. Girls will agree with me that Taylor Lautner is hot, as he showed of his topless body in Twilight Saga in some scenes. In another hand, Lily Collins is a cute girl, yet she also being portrayed as a hot sexy girl in the movie. Sometimes, I simply get bored with the scenes where they tried so hard to make it as hot scenes, yet they failed to make it hot. So I think, to make the hot scenes not so fail, it is better to use hot stars, so audiences can have their own imagination during the movie or maybe after the movie, no?

Second is Friends with Benefit, a comedy "sex" movie. It is not as literally sex what you can think of, but it is more to the frequency of the "sex" scenes a movie shall have in general. It is sometimes too much, yet entertaining for some people. This movie justified their selves why they chose "hot stars", because they need to show to audiences the sexiness of stars on the bed when they do "the action". Can you imagine if the stars are not hot, maybe we can categorize it as over-weight? Few people might find it nice, but not people in general though.

Okay, let's talk about other stuffs related with the cinemas I experienced. As you can see from the picture, I watched at 2 different cinemas, and among those 2, Golden Village or Cineleisure, Cineleisure won. Why? Let me drill it down later in another post.

Interesting facts about who you going with for watching movie is matters as well. I went with my psychology-major study friend for Abduction movie and my friend analyzed it in the term of psychology point of view I think. You might want to read the synopsis about the movie first as following:
Nathan, a teen, along with his friend, Karen finds a website that has photos of children who are missing or believed to have been abducted. They decide to age one of the photos and discover that is of Nathan as a child. He contacts the person who placed the photo to find out what's going on. The person on the other end only wants to know info about Nathan so Nathan hangs up. The person then contacts someone in Europe and shows him a photo of the one who called. He then heads for the U.S. Nathan then wonders is it true, was he abducted. He tells his "mom" who then tells him she and his "father" will tell him. But before they can, two men claiming to be cops show up wanting to talk to Nathan, and when he isn't found they pull guns and demand Nathan be given to them. His parents fight them but are killed. Nathan runs but remembers that he asked Karen to come over...
And guess what my friend told me after the movie? He said something along these statements:
Actually the movie represents our life. The adopted parents is our parent in the world, while the father is God. We, as the kids, only being "adopted" by our parents from God, while at some points of our life, we must walk away and stand by ourselves from our parents and God will watch over us for what we doing since then on.

Contrast to Abduction movie, I went with one of my female friends from high school from for Friends with Benefits movie. We were laughing and was not really discussing into deep about representation of subtle meaning of the movie. We talked more about the catchy words, statements, brands and so in the movie. Well, it might be due to her interest as well, where she major in marketing for her undergraduate study. For not discriminating Friends with Benefits, let me put the synopsis of the movie as well:
While trying to avoid the clichés of Hollywood romantic comedies, Dylan and Jamie soon discover however that adding the act of sex to their friendship does lead to complications.

So, have you guys watched those 2 movies? FYI, Friends with Benefits has higher rating than Abduction in IMDB.
Abduction Movie Trailer

Friends With Benefits Movie Trailer

Thursday, August 25, 2011

[Author Corner] See you Singapore in 10 days!

See you Singapore! Thats what I always want to say for the past few weeks!

It is almost 1 year for me for not going back to Indonesia, my home country. As you can see from the picture that I took below, the last time I had a flight out from Indonesia in Sept 14, 2010 and only yesterday that I had chance to get back to this lovely country, regardless what are happening/happened around it.

In the midst of my busy schedule (school and works), I am taking a risk by going back now. Well, it will be 10 days trip for me. As usual, I will go to Jakarta and then Bengkulu.

Heard quite few numbers of complaint about it recently, but so far I quite trust it in term of their service in budget market
During the flight from Singapore to Jakarta, I had really a bad cought all the way and I did not feel easy about it, because it disturbed the rest of the passengers in the airplane. But, I had no choice about it, beside kept coughing and let it be. LOL

Took picture from inside of the airplane with my lousy phone. View around Soekarno-Hatta airport from the air
When I reached Jakarta, nothing much of changes that I noticed for one year never went back. And of course Jakarta welcomed me with its heavy traffic jam, like it always be since I lived in Jakarta.

Okay Rebecca, I chose to sit in the back seat! haha.. :D
In Jakarta, I will meet with friends, high school teachers (hopefully), and do a bit of shopping before heading to Bengkulu on Aug 28.

Heavy traffic again, but Jakarta always has stuffs to comment along the street i.e. the billboard
So yeah below is my trip summary:
Jakarta: Aug 25-28
Bengkulu: Aug 28-Sep 4
Jakarta: Sep 4-5

And fyi, the ticket from SG-JKT is cheaper than JKT-BKS. So domestic flight is more expensive than international flight?! What do you think? I have nothing to say beside more competition please! =.=

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

[Author Corner] Death and Happiness

People come and go in someone life. One of the laws that being set by nature that I believe.

It is not only about friends that come and go, but also about your family members. A newborn baby and an old wrinkle people are totally different.

This morning, I got a call from my sister regarding a bad news. Grandfather from my father side just died last night, 15th Aug, about 8pm West Indonesia local time. It was indeed sad, where I can imagine myself as my father. The distance between 2 different provinces in Indonesia and no availability of direct flight between those 2 places make it even sadder for me if I was my father. At the end, my father must take land transportation and I hope he had reached at my grandfather place by this post being published.

Within 4 hours, at least there 3 people who said their condolences in my facebook and one friend sent a sms to me

It was weird for me to get such news, because in contrary, today is my little brother birth date (without year, so it will be 16th Aug). I just hope he is fine with my father is not around today and so sorry for him that I just sent him sms after my schedule ended and I can have free time for myself (like now).

Well, for me I just hope that I will not face such things like what my father has for now. I want to be on the side of my parents when they are dying, not that I hope it will happen anytime soon. Or at least I can be there before their burial. In that sense, I can not live so far away from Indonesia, so south east Asia is the only choice for me so far.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

[Event] Mismatch: Butter Factory, Toilet, and Dance Floor

Referring to my post few days ago, all of you will know that I went to butter factory and for the second time I was there and it was kind of gay night? It feels a bit weird with some scenes that I didnt expect to see.

As I did my observation for the night, there are 2 things that I want to point out here:
  1. Most of guys during this night can dance better than when I went another night (non-gay related night). So does it mean that gay guys dance better than straight? Or maybe I can say gay guys are more expressive about their feelings toward the music, thus they can move single bones and joints within their body more freely? Well, it is only a single night, so I cant really conclude everything yet.
  2. If you guys and end up in such night, you might surprise with the toilet queue. Why so? Because male toilet queue is even longer that female queue, where the normal case usually the other way around. Need a proof? Here is a pic I took when I waited my friends.
Left is male toilet, right is female toilet
As you can see, even there is a guy who tried to take a look at the female toilet!! HAHA.. But well, although it is long queue, the waiting time is not as long as when the queue occurs at female toilet, so actually it still fine. I cant imagine if male also want something like below whenever they wanna go to toilet. :P

[Movie] Captain America The First Avenger: Reveals About Masculinity

After I watched Captain America on Thurs night, my first reaction was "Does such liquid exist in real life?". For guys like me who are not tall and the body is naturally not fit according to the normal society judgement, is quite a relevant issue. Imagine if there is such liquid, although only change the body shape, but it will change a person life, no?

Well, back to the movie again. The movie was pretty amazed me. I am totally like the story plot. I wont be a spoiler here, but just a reminder for watching it from beginning of the movie, if not you will miss the whole point that I am talking about now.

Captain America as the Marvell Super Heroes, can be said as one of the weakest. His only ability (according to the movie) is he has 4 times faster of normal human metabolism, I assume here everything in his body become 4 times faster, including brain. But, the fact that he has brain long time before he become the super heroes defeats some of the Heroes that I know i.e. wolverine. By this kind of ability, let us do a calculation:

Assume that

  • Normal human running speed: 20 km/hour, so he will have running speed of 80 km/hour, means the speed of card in the movie was less than 80 km/hour?
  • Normal human can jump up to 4-5 metres long, so he can jump up to 16-20 metres long? Well, it might explain one scene in the movie.

But if thats the logic of faster metabolism, doesnt it mean he need 4 times of normal food consumption as well? But too bad the movie never showed us the scenes where he ate. Cant imagine if they show it, and he was having dinner date with a girl. LOL

Beside the Captain America itself, the villain is pretty ugly. When I saw it, My friend and I were laughing because it is uglier than voldemort (yup, we laughed about Voldemort also before). *sorry, but I neither watched cartoon nor read the comic before*

This movie also proves to audience how actually girl in general judge a guy. Indeed girl judges a guy superficially by looking at the physical body, job position, etc *name it as what you want that you think it is superficial*. But your true love is the one who judge you from your characters that you have, no? Well, at least thats what another message that I think the movie want to deliver to the audiences. *Captain America has the biggest heart among his cohort of army people*

You also might heard from your friend to stay at the cinema after the credits of the movie. Well, it is quite true there are extra scenes *cant reveal it here*, but if you are in hurry to somewhere else (maybe need to go back home earlier), f**k it, dun wait. You can watch the extra scenes at the youtube I think, although not anytime soon. Because the credits way much too long for you to wait, I was waiting for 5 minutes, and I was holding back my urine in my bladder due to this. :(

To end this, let me show you the synopsis of the movie (took from here) and the trailer video of it from youtube.

It is 1942, America has entered World War II, and sickly but determined Steve Rogers is frustrated at being rejected yet again for military service. Everything changes when Dr. Erksine recruits him for the secret Project Rebirth. Proving his extraordinary courage, wits and conscience, Rogers undergoes the experiment and his weak body is suddenly enhanced into the maximum human potential. When Dr. Erksine is then immediately assassinated by an agent of Nazi Germany's head of its secret HYDRA research department, Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull, Rogers is left as a unique man who is initially misused as a propaganda mascot. However, when his comrades need him, Rogers goes on a successful adventure that truly makes him Captain America and his war against Schmidt begins.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Me, Twitter and Butter Factory

If you follow me on twitter and saw my timeline last night, here is what I am going to say: social networking is really an anal sometimes. Why would I use such strong nasty word? Because I was (or I am, since I still can feel it now) so annoyed due to what happened last night. I tweeted this to one person (she works at butter factory!) because bloody DM didnt work. *tried zillion times of copy-paste for DM*
then right after this tweet, my friends who followed me replied the tweet as shown at following timeline:
Okay, I know all of those conversations above are in Indonesian, so if you do not understand it, I will not try to translate it, ask your other Indo friends to translate it for you if you really want to understand everything. 

Maybe some of you might questioning why would I go to butter factory in the first place? I need to admit that I need a break from my routine, thus I went to club for dancing. Yeah, literally dance. You can ask some of my close friends (let me know if you want to know who) that I can dance like nobody business if I feel the music is good. *Oya, can ask people who attended the PINTU Prom Night 2011 and saw me dancing*

Since I have roomie now, so I cant blast the music in the room  and dance as free as I can. Thats why I need some spaces to dance last night. Since the school about to start as well, which mean the hectic days will come, last night was also one of opportunity for me to express myself.

Last night was my second time went to butter factory. My first time went there, I enjoyed it, till I had piles of sweating all over me, and one of my friend of friend told me that I danced way much crazier than she did? I was laughing when she said that. Thats the reason I agreed with my friends when they asked me to go to butter factory last night, due to customer loyalty that being created from good experiences before.

But then, why would I tweeted such thing to the person in the first place? It because she is part of marketing person for the club, so she would know better. And actually I think the guy who checked our ID, actually can allow us to get to another room (for above 21), but since I bloody honest so we ended up at Fash. *I think it is due to my birthday only about 1 month to go* 

We paid, we put our bags, then we went in the Fash room, and you know what welcome us? This poster:

Thats the reason why I tweeted the person! In fact, all of us couldnt stand the crowd and leave quite early, with the fact we always took a break after 40 minutes being inside for 3 times are good enough for us to leave early and we rather had our supper instead.

I think next time, they shall put the poster outside the club, so unintended people who have no idea whats happening can know before hand.

And I just checked the website when I am doing this post, and the information there also was not so obvious, but there is such info, yet people might miss it when the majority part of the poster is not about the info! I did screenshot for that.

What will you take if such things happened to you?

For me it will be: check the website of club you wanna go (the date, the event, the cover charge, the admission age etc), do not anyhow tweeted (althought your DM doesnt work!), and bring your cool friends to accompany you whenever and wherever you are! =.=

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Is About 7 and 2 Numbers!

Yeah finally I watched the last part of Harry Potter series. It was really satisfying by the end of movie when you know that your since-ever-childhood story finally be completed as movie, although with not totally the same cast from beginning till the end (if you remember the Albus Dumbledore previous cast died few years back).

Then what about the title that I put here for this post? Well, it simply because here is Singapore, Harry first time screening at 14/7 (14 July), which 14 factor number is 7 and 2! And if you do realize, it is from 7th book and it is the 2nd part, well another 7 and 2. And I bought the movie ticket at 14SGD, which also have factor numbers of 7 and 2! Well, maybe I brag too much about number of 7 and 2, but just wonder why my life today is all about 7 and 2. O.o

I will not talk about the story of the movie here, coz most likely everyone knows the plot well or even better than me I guess (I read it few years back and I am the type of person who will not read story book twice or even more). So I will talk about the effects!

Nothing much fantastic effects at this part I think, part 1 has more fantastic effects thats what I can say now. But if you really looking for the effects inside this movie, especially if you are watching 3D or maybe IMAX, you will really looking forward for the part at Gringotts scenes, the Room Requirement scenes, and the initial invasion of Death Eater to Hogwarts. Beside than that I think it is nothing special about it.

I really love how the producer of the movie tells to the audience about Severus Snape story, and even my friend who watched with me and never read the book before said, this movie is the best movie of Harry Potter over all. I guess also they really have nice plot without a confusing story and whatever, and they did not cut the crucial part of the story! So the decision of them divided it into 2 parts is a good choice. Now I wonder what if every Harry Potter series that have similar thickness with the 7th book, being divided into 2 parts! Haha...

Oh, not going to spoil anyone imagination, the last scene when they finally become parents is really funny. But Hermione, seriously? I cant believe it.. :)

Not forgetting also about the scene where Neville Longbottom cut off Nagini head and afterward scenes are EPIC!

For girls who are Daniel Radcliffe fans, well here you can look at his body, 1 to him, 0 to Ruppert Grint at that particular scene after they swim out from the lake. :P

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Online Society Around Me This Week

This week I received three website invitations-only invitations from my friends. As you expected, google+ is one of it. But seriously, google+ sucks, coz I received 2 invitations from friends, yet I cant get in to it? =.=

What about other 2 websites? Let me tell you about my experiences from those 3 invitations. :)

1. Quora
It was ealier of this week when one of my friend, David Lam, asked me whether I am inside quora or not. Well, I told him that I do not, then ask him what it is about. Then he told me it looks like yahoo-answers format website, but you can get in by invitation only and the people inside are like minded people and also they have their own expertise. Well, isnt it sounds good? Coz you can get answers of your questions from people that is more qualified and you can get to know their profile as well by clicking their name. :)

Apparently after a day, David can get in to Quora. Salute to his efforts in finding right people within his network. So after knew about it I simply asked him to invite me. And here I am inside quora.

2. Senatus
Senatus is one of online media magazine. Well, initally I have no idea that it is by invitation-only, when I browsed their facebook page. But well, when Ms Gwen told me that she will send invitation to both of us, me and Terence, thats the time when I just found out about their invitation only rule. Well I think it aligns with their preposition of branding and their limit for invitations each person is also a great idea I think, because indirectly it showss how influences a person that you invite to society.

So this one is actually one of the channel to become social butterfly? I have no idea about that. :D

3. Google+
Well, as I said earlier, Google+ sucks for me, or maybe they are not really that user-friendly to non-tech-savvy person like myself? I have no idea about that. Since I havent experienced it by myself from my own account so I cant really give any comments about it. (I only browsed from my friend accounts for few minutes).

Well as I told earlier as well that I get invited by 2 friends for this booming trend for a moment, here are the emails invitation from Dea and Terence:

Thanks everyone for your invitations. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Foodblog Exposures On My Internship

Because of above description on SGE website, few days back someone sent me an email to ask about recommended Indonesian food around Singapore. He asked me on behalf of his Indonesian friend who just moved to Singapore.

Well, my first reaction: what? how did the person know my email? After I read his intro then I recalled again, I remembered him vividly. He is one of people that I met during Echelon Day 0 networking dinner. He is not in my name card list that I put previously, because he never gave me his name card. :(

But I am a nice guy (obviously), then I replied to him, which apparently later on he intro me to his friend. Well, on the replied email I put quite some of recommendation places and of course I did free advertising about my foodblog in that email as well! Where there is opportunity, you shall grab it fast. LOL

Below is the print screen of our earlier email

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It Is Not New Moon, It Is Second Moon!

Well, this event is nothing to do with Eclipse Saga, so if your only interest is Eclipse Saga, please do not hate me because I somehow invited you to this post.

There will be a dance play performance by Gianti Giadi and Sufri Juwahir with script writer is Agnes Christina. Personally I only knew the first name and the last name. Gianti Giadi or usually I call her Gigi is really a great dancer in my opinion. She was actively involved in mentoring dancers of Indonesia students across Singapore for most of cultural events that Indonesia student had (at least for the past 3 years I've been in Singapore). Meanwhile Agnes Christina is a good script writer in my opinion. It is not her first time that her script being played in Substation.

Well for you who are interested, yet dunno the story, here is the story that I took from substation website.

The second moon is inspired by the story of Lilith and Adam, and eventually, Eve. In the beginning, Adam and Lilith are one. As they become more aware of themselves and the surroundings, their personalities grow stronger. Lilith chooses to leave Adam in his own world, while she creates her own. They remain as moons in their own worlds. The second moon is a story about union, separation and ego. The story of Lilith and Adam illustrates the dualism of the universe, a situation where two strong elements exist and co-exist to retain a balance.

Further information, simply go to their website. Yup, I am so gonna watch this, but Saturday slot, the only free day that I have between Friday and Saturday. See you there if you are attending on Saturday! :)